All Saints began in 1996 as two PCA church plants, East River and Valley West. In time, the two churches joined forces as Valley West and worked to proclaim the gospel across the Treasure Valley. The early years were difficult for a handful of reasons. We owe much to our original elders and to the Pacific Northwest Presbytery, of which we are members. Several pastors came and went, and the church met in borrowed spaces at Centennial High School, Boise State's Student Union Building, and other local churches who were gracious enough to host us. In 2002, Valley West called Brad Chaney to be our Senior Pastor.
In 2008, the church bought a building on Bogus Basin Road, across from the Simplot mansion. It was during the move that Valley West became All Saints. God richly blessed the church there in worship, community, and growth. Members from that time remember its old wooden trusses and the hillside where kids played after worship. We helped launch Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) at Boise State, called Brian Douglas as Associate Pastor, and became members of the Northwest Church Planting Network while meeting at Bogus Basin.
Before long, however, we had outgrown our space. The church's age made it difficult to renovate. Every available plan was considered, and we made the difficult decision to sell our "first house" and relocate to The Ambrose School in Meridian, where we now meet. The move was a time of transition, but God's grace has continued. We called Phil Hunter to be our Executive Pastor, and we have fulfilled a long-time dream of planting a new church, Boise Presbyterian downtown.
As time passed, Brian Douglas accepted a call in
2020 to a PCA church in Tallahassee, FL.
Then in 2021, Brad Chaney felt called to plant a church in South
Scottsdale, AZ. Though it was sad to see
Brad and Brian leave us, we recognized that it was God’s call. A Search Committee was formed in the Summer of
2021, and in April 2022, we called Justin Poythress to be our new Senior Pastor. We were blessed having Mike Kelly as our
Interim Pastor for the intervening 10 months, who was occasionally spelled by
Rob Reyburn, and by couple of our elders, Phil Hunter, and more recently by
Rev, Fernando Freitas, a licensed PCA pastor who recently moved to this area. Rev. Justin Poythress began his full time
ministry here in July 2022.